Sunday, May 3, 2009

Speaking about political signs....

The look of election campaign signs is pretty predictable as shown below in a sampling of the current group that are now appearing on front lawns around town.

If you haven't already noticed, there is a candidate running for Select Board who has taken a very different approach to campaign signs. Here are couple of those signs...

There is even one with "reflectors" for good measure...

According to Eleanor Stolar these signs are made from recycled campaign signs, a little bit of spray paint and some creative genius by a campaign worker.

"I said I would not spend any money ( mine or anyone else's)... my friend (Janet) had an old sign and she re-painted it and put in front of my home, and so it began.. a few other people gave Janet old signs, different sizes and a painter gave her several cans of left over paints and she re-painted different colors and sizes. Janet as done a great job, each is a masterpiece!"

"I think that there may be 12 or 15 out there. All are recycled .. I did purchase few cans of spray paint (white and black) from Home Depot @ 97 cents a can."

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